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Our Services

Puppy interactive and Handling Course

Our students and families that have gone through this course have found it informative and beneficial due to our precise teaching and consistent follow-ups on any problems they encounter during and after training. Families are happy to save hundreds and thousands of dollars after attending this course.

It is not the quantity of time to train a dog and owner, it is the quality of time! We make sure that the owners and family understand what we teach before we leave the house, in order to achieve better and faster results, instead of blindly teaching by the book.

What you will learn:

Theory and practical course with hands-on instructions

All kinds of puppy problems such as toilet training, jumping, biting, etc

Obedience and behaviour teaching

Health and food advice

Basic grooming, etc

Duration of course:

2 days intensive course (80% theory 20% practical with proper notes and unlimited support. (Almost 3 decades experiences, results proven with videos and customers' feedback shown in our Facebook and YouTube channel as proof!)

Training venue:

Island wide at your home

Commencing day and time:

Monday to Sunday (Morning or Afternoon session)

Home Problem(s) solving and Consultation Training

For owners who have a budget and only want to solve a single or several problems within a day of training with limited follow-up after training.

Prices range from S$130 onwards for a simple case or S$1500 to $5000 for aggressive dogs above 1 year old, depending on the breed of dog and how serious the aggressiveness.*

*Prices are subjected to changes. Please call for more details.

*Prices are subjected to changes

Examples of problems we can handle:

• Toilet training (indoor and outdoor)

• Biting

• Jumping

• Pulling on leash

• Timid

• Barking, etc

• Obedience training

*Training or consultation fees are subjected to:

• Number of problems to solve

• Number of days and hours of training needed

• Location, age and breed

Subject to availability

• Phone call consultation from S$20.00

• Whatsapp live video consultation from S$50.00

*The above prices stated are subjected to changes. For owners who are interested in our training, please call for details.

Online Service

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AVS Accredited Syllabus - Basic Dog Obedience Training (ADORE)

What you will learn:





Sit Stay

Down Stay

+ 3 more training exercises!

This course is catered for owners who wish to apply for the HDB approval licence for certain breeds, conditions apply! Lessons are conducted at a place near you and in maximum groups of 4 pax!

For more information on the course, you can refer to the dog training syllabus by AVS here.

For more information on this training session, please click here

Dogs/Puppies Toilet Training @ Your Home

To view the updated class commencement date and location, refer to

两天年幼小狗训练课配套程包括 :

服从训练,避免狗以后会护食,分离焦虑,乱吠,品性训练,如厕训练,乱嚼东西,咬主人的手和脚,基本的修饰剪指甲清理耳朵..…等等。 包括个狗的训练笔记和帮助主人无限跟进狗的问题。




一到两小时计算 (同一个家庭两个人和狗一起训练 ) 你可以选择任何一天,每一个周 一 ,二, 三 或者 四学习。非繁忙时间 10.45am 3pm。

或者:三小时训练 (同一个家庭三个人和狗一起训练 ),有限的跟进。

或者:三天登门一对一特别定制服从训练课程,每次一个半小时,每个训练星期一次 ,学习基本的: 坐, 趴, 等,召回 和 跟这主人步行。

你可以选择任何一天,每一个周 一 ,二, 三 或者 四学习。非繁忙时间 10.45am 3pm。

* 以上不包括狗有攻击性的问题。

电话号码: 9842 9109 (10am to 9pm)


电话号码: 9842 9109 ( 10am to 9pm)
